Tag Archives: Canton Cricket Club

MCA Players Help Inaugurate Canton Ground

Canton Cricket Club’s ground in Heritage Park, in use since the beginning of the season, was officially inaugurated on Thursday, at the beginning of Canton’s annual Liberty Fest. Canton Township Supervisor Phil Lajoy presided over the inauguration, introducing his fellow Township Trustees, among whom Dr Syed Taj had played a particularly significant role in the planning and creation of the new cricket ground. MichCA Chairman Shahid Ahmed praised the efforts of everyone who had contributed to the campaign for a home ground for the local club, and spoke of the growth of cricket in Michigan, noting in particular the efforts of Michigan Cricket Academy to develop youth players. Some fifty local residents,  as well as Canton C.C. and other Michigan cricketers, attended the inauguration, and heard an explanation of the basic rules and principles of the game, before the ground was inaugurated with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.  The speeches were followed by a short demonstration, supervized by distinguished former first-class cricketer, coach, and umpire Dr V. V. Giri, who called upon MCA’s Gordon Makin to bowl the first delivery to one of a pair of Canton batsman who had padded up for the occasion.  MCA is glad to report that the first ball at the inauguration beat the bat (an omen for the future of the ground?), although a few subsequent deliveries also beat MCA player Neil Makin, called upon to keep to his brother and other bowlers. After the demonstration a group of enthusiastic young novices played on the pitch, coached and encouraged by MichCA and MCA players.

The Canton pitch is officially inaugurated

Gordon Makin bowls the first ball at the inauguration.

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