Support MCA — Become a Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities

MCA provides excellent opportunities for sponsorship — both for those looking to increase visibility within the diverse communities the Academy serves and for those looking to support local recreational activities and promote a major sport.  If you are interested in sponsoring the Academy’s work, you should look at the pdf version of our presentations for potential sponsors:

Sponsor MCA!

Change of Status for MCA

MCA has now achieved non-profit status, which may make it easier to find sponsorship and other forms of financial support.  It also means that all of your donations to MCA should now be tax deductible (but check with your accountant to be sure, of course).  MCA is a small organization, run essentially by two volunteer coaches who have busy professional schedules and who not only have to find time but also sometimes financing to keep the organization going.  Any financial help from other quarters is always very welcome.